Useful Tips To Protect A WordPress Website

WordPress is an Omnipresent and Ubiquitous Content Management System (CMS) in the world today. According to the latest reports, 14.6 billion pages of WordPress are visited every month. In addition, the number of new posts sent every month on the WordPress-powered website is 35.8 million. The two shocking statistics are enough evidence to say that WordPress is an undisputed ruler among the content management system.

Another reason WordPress is very popular is that it is an open source CMS. However, whatever is open vulnerable, and WordPress is no different. Because of Open-Source, it's easy for hackers to find vulnerabilities in coding. Therefore, hacking incidents and security violations are quite common on the WordPress website.

But let's consider something very logical. If possible to hack the encoding the WordPress website, it is also possible to provide adequate protection for it. This is why this post offers some valuable tips on how to protect the WordPress website:

# 1. Select the admin login and unusual password

Don't choose the admin login and a predictable password. This is a smart step to choose something that is a mixture of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. In this way, it will be very difficult for a hacker to track or guess your login admin and password.

# 2. Delete old / inactive plug-ins and themes

Plug-ins and themes that are not used or outdated are risks for the overall security of the website. Because they are not cutting-edge, they will lack the latest security features, and this can be a weak point for bad attacks. It's better to use only the plug-ins and theme you need, and remove that is not active or outdated completely. Get to know about wordpress security plugins and best woocommerce plugins via visiting

# 3. Disable the plug-in / theme editor

As mentioned earlier, it is important to choose an unusual login admin and password. However, this step is very basic and you need to do extra things. This is why you have to deactivate the plug-in / theme editor. This procedure will ensure that no one can change your plug-in or theme code in any way.

# 4. Protect your file .htaccess.

.Htaccess file is the gatekeeper of your website. This is a hidden file that gives you power to determine access all files. Where is this file located? It is available in the root directory, and you must activate the "Show hidden file" option to see it. After you are there, enter the protection code .htaccess (which you can find easily on Google) into the file.

# 5. Disable Directory List

When you are inside.htaccess, you must deactivate the directory list too. After the list of dead directories, it will prevent others from listing your website components. This means it will become more difficult for hackers to find vulnerable gaps and files.

# 6. Add a firewall.

Last but not least, you must contact your web hosting provider and ask them to set firewalls. This firewall must have the power to only allow known IPS to access your WordPress login page. You can get to know about wordpress backup plugins and wordpress directory plugins via visiting

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